Garrett Caldwell, CEO

Our business at the PAC is many things and just like our business, no one dental practice is the same as another. Your practice, like the PAC, has and will evolve and will certainly be made up of many different smaller parts. How we practice our craft and what elements we decide to include in it, is what defines us as professionals. This is both a challenging and exciting time in dentistry. We are all truly independent, but we are also very much alike.

The Anniversary Newsletter is devoted to what might make other people in other walks of life take a long hard look at their profession and shudder. What we do is hard. Our choices are vast and getting even more complex. The essence of our careers after school are mirrored by those choices. The professional associations we keep and the connections we choose impact every part of our lives as professionals. However, we are lucky enough to be surrounded by expertise and those willing to share and mentor. That is what makes our profession unique; the aspirations of our educational community are to give and it does so willingly.

The mission of the PAC TEC Newsletter has been to expose you to these writers and educators in order to give you a glimpse into their practices. We briefly enter their world through a series of clinical articles and by doing so they cultivate a closeness in an otherwise distant profession. They tell us what they do, how they do it along with the services they offer. Each of these dentists are all truly distinct and talented. I want to thank all of our contributors for sharing their knowledge. It has been said that “dentistry is a lonely business”. The time they devote to making our worlds a little closer is appreciated by all of our readers. We hope you continue to enjoy our PAC TEC Newsletter. If you have ideas, feedback or suggestions for the next 50 issues, we’d be happy to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected].

Thanks for being part of our community!

-Garrett Caldwell, CEO