Photo of CEO Garrett Caldwell

Garrett Caldwell, CEO

This month marks the 100th issue of PAC TEC, a production of Pacific Aesthetic Laboratory Group. Our goal has been to inspire and educate through the demonstration of actual cases. If you ever heard someone say, “Give me the Reader’s Digest version”, this is what we have strived to achieve. Over the years our monthly newsletters have featured relevant up-to-date technical information demonstrated through actual case presentations and case management. Looking back through these last 100 issues it’s clear to see the excellence the PAC and Pacific Aesthetic Laboratory Group have presented to our clients. I want to say thank you to each of our contributing dentists and to Corr Laboratories and technicians for their contributions and excellent work that has allowed us to offer PAC TEC each month.

Over the last eight years, having a resource like PAC TEC has been invaluable to our dentist partners at Corr Laboratories. It has inspired many of our clients to expand their clinical training, seek new avenues of education and practical training, and expand their practices.

Thank you all. We look forward to another 100 issues featuring the latest updates in material science and their practical applications.

To read articles from the PAC TEC newsletter, visit our website